Business Services
Business Taxes
Own a business? Great! We can help you with filing, whether you have a C or S corporation, or a 1065 if you have a partnership, to even single member LLCs! Need 1099s for subcontractors? No problem, and at no extra cost!
Tax Advocacy
Your time is valuable, so you shouldn’t have to spend a whole day on the phone with the IRS. We can handle it for you!
Business Creation
Still don’t have a business? You may be losing hundreds, or even THOUSANDS of dollars per year due to separate taxes. Having a company can also protect you or your property against civil lawsuits.
Let us take on the stress of having to have the numbers ready! The use of our bookkeeping services bundles in Federal and State tax return preparation, to help save you even more!
If you seek to further legitimize your enterprise, we can do payroll for yourself and other employees, to be paid monthly or biweekly as desired, and with direct deposit as well. Payroll services also comes with state and local tax reporting, if applicable.
Customized Website and Email Hosting
Are you looking for a clean, efficient website without the hassle of poorly explained do-it-yourself solutions? Whether it’s a business, personal blog, or anything else, we can make it happen. Ditch the big-name email providers that snoop around, stand out from other entrepreneurs using free email services by having a personalized “” email address, and take your privacy and business to the next level!